Verbs by ending

AR Verbs

ER Verbs

IR Verbs

Verbs by category




Learn how Spanish verbs are used in different forms with conjugation tables

Conjugation tables provide a quick and easy way for you to understand how a verb is used in its different forms, to express when an action is being taken and by whom. Here are the different "views” you'll find and an example chart.

"Person" view

In the table below you can see which "person" each one of the areas represents in a verb conjugation table.

1st person singular 1st person plural
2nd person singular 2nd person plural
3rd person singular 3rd person plural

English subject pronoun view

The table below shows the relevant English subject pronouns for each section in a Spanish verb chart. A subject pronoun is the person or thing in a sentence that is performing and action described by the verb. Most of the English subject pronouns refer to people (I, We, Yo, He, She, They). The one exception is "it" which is used to refer to objects, ideas, animals or things.

"I" form "We" form
"You" (familiar) form "You" (familiar) form in
"He", "She", "It", and "You" (formal) form "They" and "You" (plural) form

Spanish subject pronoun view

Below are the Spanish subject pronouns for each area of a verb conjugation chart. Notice that there are a few forms that do not exist in English. These include vosotros/as (formal for "you" and "they" that is primarily used in Spain) and Usted and Ustedes (also formal for "you" and "they" used in Latin America).

Also pay close attention to the gender you are referring to as that changes the ending of the subject pronoun in Spanish.

"yo" form "nosotros" and "nosotras" form
"tú" form "vosotros" and "vosotras" form
"él", "ella", and "usted" (Ud.) form "ellos, "ellas", "ustedes" (Uds.) form

View of where verb is used

This table below shows you the places in the world where specific Spanish verb pronouns are used. Keep in mind that this is a general rule and there are parts of the world, that use the "Spain" pronouns that are outside of Spain as well, though they are rare.

Used worldwide Used worldwide
Used worldwide Used primarily in Spain
Used worldwide Used worldwide

Sample verb conjugation

Let's bring it all together. Here is how a Spanish verb chart at Ƶ will look.

Yo hablo: I speak Nosotros hablamos: We speak
Tú hablas: You speak Vosotros habláis: You (all) speak
Él habla: He speaks
Ella habla: She speaks
Usted habla: You speak
Ellos or Ellas hablan: They speak
Ustedes hablan: You speak

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